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Spinal Straightening - Miracles still exist!

Our spine is much more than a skeleton held in place by tendons and ligaments. As an information carrier, it stores the life matrix with our karmic, fateful and prenatal specifications that we bring into life. The human being as a multidimensional being consists of a multitude of energy bodies that communicate with the divine spark, the higher self and their true human identity. Therefore, our spine as an organ extends beyond the body. It is our life support and an independent intelligence, a highly sensitive spiritual instrument that can only be healed if one uses all-encompassing mental powers.

The spiritual healing of the spine should therefore be the top priority for every human being. Freed from pelvic obliquity, spinal curvature, shoulder displacement, leg length discrepancy and many other anomalies (physical malformations) of the skeletal system, the causes that lead to later suffering can be overcome.

The help is here! It is the establishment of the divine order through the spiritual spinal straightening. With this developed form of healing, you can overcome crookedness and crookedness forever. Become a contemporary witness of the life-giving primal power of God, which is revealed to mankind today as a new healing power.

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