The grace of God is limitless - accept it and teach it!

(Sai Baba)

You want to learn the Original Spiritual Spine Straightening?

This training consists of 6 levels.

The prerequisite is that you have experienced the original spiritual straightening of the spine yourself.

The training classes are small because it is important to me to promote the skills that are there even during the training!

Between the levels there is enough time to go through your processes and apply what you have learned!

Spiritual healer training level 1

incl. Reiki 1st degree (also for animals) metamorphosis theory

2 days - seminar price: € 590,-

Seminar duration: 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m

next meetings :

15.7.23 16.7.23

9/9/23 9/10/23

With this training you will gain access to a divine, healing energy that will flow through you and your hands as soon as you have been initiated by me. There is a significant increase in your vibration and your life energy potential, since you are now connected to your higher self and draw cosmic powers! Spiritual healing with Reiki always and everywhere serves the good. First in yourself and then in those you treat. The healing energy can relieve pain, it harmonizes the entire organism, strengthens the immune system, increases energy and well-being, helps with fears, grief, worries and moodiness, burnout syndrome and infinitely more!

Spiritual healing with Reiki can support all medical treatments and is ideal for complementing other healing methods. Spiritual healing with the additional Reiki power transforms a highly intelligent, self-regulating energy that caters to all needs and fulfills exactly what is needed.

Metamorphosis is like changing from a caterpillar to a butterfly. Only with this attitude of mind you create the transformation and renewal in you and the others!
The metamorphic massage is an independent teaching that can also be described as an extension of reflexology therapy. The difference is that the metamorphosis practitioner does not act on the diseases, but only works on the prenatal pattern - the time when our inner strengths and weaknesses manifested. The seminar is completed and enables the student after the training to teach other people themselves. The therapist directs all his attention to the life force, which allows negative characteristics, blockages and stress to be changed. This very efficient massage is performed gently on the hands, feet and head. The transformation from what we are to what we can be succeeds.

Spiritual healer training level 2

incl. Reiki 2nd degree with dissolution of primary blockages, distant healing and much more.

2 days - seminar price: € 590,-

Seminar duration: 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m

next meetings :

5.8.23 6.8.23

7.10.23 8.10.23

Significantly expanded training according to the energies of the "New Time Order". Initiation into the "New Healing Energies" that could not be more luminous and penetrating. A lot of practical work!

Knowledge of the Spiritual Laws with Karma Redemption. Healing with healing symbols of the new age.

Distance healing in the highest dimension!

Spiritual healer training level 3

Remedies, healing wands and measuring technology, crystal healing, spirit surgery

2 days - seminar price: € 590,-

Seminar duration: 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m

next meetings :

14.10. 15.10.23

18.11. 19.11.23

Through an initiation, you become the channel for receiving the highest possible healing power that suits your needs, level of development, and level of consciousness. With your desire you yourself determine the power potential, which inexhaustibly flows to you from the source. You recognize the infinite spirit of good, harmony and healing. You stand confidently above things as instruments of God. Through your hands you allow what is right for you and all who need your help to happen. The voice of your heart determines your path. I lead you into the God - consciousness. The healing of all souls can be fulfilled through you.

when you are in your strength, learned techniques are only to be applied to a minimum! You use your intuition, your feeling and seeing introspection, train your mediumship and perception. If the transparent person reveals himself to you with the help of our energy rods, you can recognize and dissolve blockages and use spiritual surgery. Draw from the fullness of your inherent, unlimited possibilities.

Prerequisite is the attendance of the spiritual healer training level 2 and you should already have done a lot of practical work. "If the desire to heal is awakened in you, God is already pouring out his gifts over you."

Day 2: Crystal Healing and Spirit Surgery

Feel the power of the crystal whose parts are in you!

With the help of a crystal rod, which becomes your serving friend as an ensouled being, you will dissolve blockages in a few seconds and learn how to operate on specific learning and life topics on a physical and mental level in order to create healing harmony inside and out. Here you will learn to create the chakra balance, the cell time memory mechanisms that are subject to the evolutionary process of external programs, controls, genetic manipulation and inherited patterns (allergies) and much more. going back to the ancestors to liberate.

The aura cleansing and aura repair, the ether cleansing of wounds and injuries from the past (of all times in existence) are other important healing elements that one must master if one wants to be successful as a responsible spiritual healer. You will also learn how to use crystal foils, which you can also produce yourself from level 4. You create crystal power places and clear the energies of the "New Era" so that they can pave their salvific path more penetratingly! This great knowledge completes your light work and is yours as a rapid accelerator see progression!

"New" energy increases are waiting for you!

Spiritual healer training level 4

1 seminar day - seminar price: € 590,-

Seminar duration: 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m

next meetings :

9/2/23 fully booked!


Programming and producing healing vibration foils

A strong power connection fulfills your entry into the highest levels of your "conscious BEING", whereby you will be able to permanently program objects with healing vibrations. Wonderful, all-encompassing healing foils related to specific topics are produced. What is certain is that the curriculum is rich in content. Embark on the adventure - the discovery of your co-creative powers - with confidence!

You become the powerhouse of love. love is life God is love! love heals!

Spiritual healer training level 5

1 seminar day - seminar price: € 590,-

Seminar duration: 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m

next meetings :

3.9.23 fully booked!


You become a spiritual alchemist!

The procedure and the transformation "Let places of power arise" is based on transmissions through the spiritual world, which Anne - medium and teacher of higher radiesthesia for healing professions - already received in 1995. It is also about the cancellation of radiation in the event of a negative energetic influence on people.

You will learn the phenomenon of house interference suppression and the in-depth use of Anne's measuring rods, which make visible the effect and cancellation of radiation.

In order to be connected to the corresponding energies, a power initiation takes place, through which the permanent durability of the interference suppression and deradiation can be guaranteed.

Electrosensitivity is a topic that scientists in Germany have finally included in their research program. What they suspect under the name "New Physics" can already be solved for us.

We do practical exercises on high-voltage power lines and places heavily exposed to radiation. Many new insights into previously "secret knowledge" await you! Even the reprogramming of amalgam and dental metals becomes possible (often even visible).

It is not enough to know, one must also apply it. It's not enough to want, you have to do it!

Spiritual healer training level 6


Spiritual healer training level 1-5

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