Interference suppression for houses, apartments, cars, mobile homes, mobile phones, workplaces, schools, kindergartens, retirement homes, hospitals, companies, farms......

Permanent suppression of:

House 120 € (including car mobile phones)

Apartment 80 € (including car mobile phones)

Mobile phone / car 20 €

Motorhome 60 €

Workplace €60

Companies, factories, hospitals, homes for the elderly, kindergartens, schools, courtyards, large-scale plants

€1.00 per m²

If you live further away, you also have the option of having your house de-cluttered. Call me and find out more!

Iris Wendel

The existence of earth rays and electrosmog and their danger are well known. Radiation exposure has a damaging effect on the nervous system, metabolism, gland function and acidifies the body, resulting in demineralization of the bones.

In the case of cancer, radiation exposure is measured, to which the affected person is also exposed while sleeping!

Due to the flooding of radiation, allergies and autoimmune diseases are increasing.

The blood-brain barrier is destroyed so that negative substances get into the blood and millions of cells are prevented from dividing.

During cell formation - cancer, the cell feels threatened, as it also happens with vaccination - then the survival reflex is destroyed, which then, in an irritating way, starts multiplication (cell proliferation)!

Wind turbines radiate within a radius of 10 km!

5G, radiation wherever we look!

Lasting house clearance - your body will thank you!

Permanent transformation into a place of power!

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